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Arguments For the Death Penalty; Death Penalty Pros


1. The Death Penalty Can Properly Deliver Justice to Those Who Have Killed Others

Capital punishment is necessary to deliver justice -- especially to victims of murder and extreme violence. The death penalty provides for retribution against perpetrators and makes sure that they pay for their actions. Without the death penalty, it's otherwise difficult to make murderers pay sufficiently for their crime, as no punishment other than death really equates to that of the crime of killing.

A society that doesn't deliver justice is a society which will collapse. Criminals need to be held accountable for their actions. While no one enjoys the thought of having to kill someone, it can also be argued that the murderer bought the punishment on him or herself when he or she took the life of another.


2. The Death Penalty is Necessary to Deter Other Criminals

One of the best arguments for the death penalty is that capital punishment is a huge deterrent we have to prevent others from committing heinous crimes. The best way to deal with crime obviously is to stop it from happening in the first place. In turn, the best way to do that is to deter criminals from committing crimes.

When it comes to murder, torture and other heinous crimes, the best deterrent we have is the death penalty. Criminals should be aware that that if they commit a serious crime, then their punishment will be equally as serious. No one wants to die -- this is why using the death penalty as a deterrent is an effective way of stopping crimes from happening in the first place. It's also in the criminal's best interests. How so? Because, ultimately, not turning into a criminal in the first place should be in anyone's best interests. It can be seen as a disservice to those in the criminal justice system if our punishments aren't severe enough when we haven't effectively deterred criminals from entering the system.


3. The Death Penalty is Necessary to Protect Society

Some criminals simply cannot be allowed to keep living because every moment they're alive is another minute that they're a threat to the community. These criminals must be killed because keeping them alive puts their fellow prisoners, their guards, and the wider community at risk. Some criminals are simply so far gone that they're beyond help and will always be a major risk to society. For these criminals who essentially have no hope for redemption anymore, the only remaining option is to remove them from existence.

Violent criminals pose risks that are just too great for them to be allowed to live. Many run the risk of being at risk by these criminals, including but not limited to:

  • Fellow prisoners are the people who are most at risk. One of the reasons prisons are so dangerous is because they are full of murderers and rapists -- it would be unjust to the other inmates to expose them to such violent offenders.

  • Guards are at risk, as well. Prison officers are often assaulted and even killed by offenders who should have received the death penalty.

  • The wider community is also at risk from violent offenders who either escape prison or are paroled early due to an ineffective parole system.

The safest solution, therefore, is to kill violent offenders before they can be a threat once again.


4. The Death Penalty is Necessary for Families of Victims to Move On Properly

The death penalty is necessary because many victims' families will never be able to feel safe or live a normal life again if they know that the person who killed their family members is still alive. Even if the criminal is placed in the most secure facility possible, fear still grips the families of the victims. While this fear may be irrational, that doesn't make it any less real.

We must consider the rights of these families to live normal lives when sentencing murderers; we should prioritize their rights over those of the violent criminal. We also mustn't let a violent offender continue to harm others from the inside, even if they're not intentionally doing so. This applies especially to criminals who have made threats against other people in society and family members of other victims.


5. The Death Penalty is Cheaper Than a Lifetime Prison Term

One of the more controversial arguments for the death penalty is that the cost of keeping someone incarcerated for the duration of their natural life is huge. This is a cost that society shouldn't have to pay. Violent criminals and murderers shouldn't be taking away tax dollars from things like education and health care. The argument here is that we simply can't afford to keep these people alive nor do we have any responsibility to do so. It can be said that they brought their punishment on themselves when they committed their crime and they're the ones who should have to pay for their crimes, not us.

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