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Organisations Part 3

This page lists national and international organisations who's intentions are good concerning God's word.
They are anti-Communism, anti-Islam, anti-LGBT and anti-Atheism and they have our support.
For your "compact" information we publish their core issues here.

3. Alliance Defending Freedom


Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF, formerly Alliance Defense Fund) is an American conservative Christian nonprofit advocacy group.[5][6] ADF is headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. It also has four branch offices located in Folsom, CaliforniaWashington, D.C.Lawrenceville, Georgia; and New York.[7]

Because of its budget, caseload, and network of allied attorneys, ADF is seen as the most organized and influential Christian legal interest group in the country.[8] ADF attorneys have argued cases before the Supreme Court,[9] including cases related to religious freedom, the Affordable Care Act, equal access for an after school club, funding for student religious publications, and prayers before town meetings.

Standing for Freedom Since 1994

Alliance Defending Freedom is the world’s largest legal organization committed to protecting religious freedom, free speech, marriage and family, parental rights, and the sanctity of life. We defend your most cherished liberties in Congress, state legislatures, and courtrooms across the country—all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.
We don’t just stand for freedom—we win. ADF has won 13 victories at the Supreme Court since 2011, and we’re winning nearly 80 percent of all our cases—but we don’t do it alone.
When 35 Christian leaders came together to build a ministry that would defend religious liberty and keep the doors open for the Gospel, they knew it would take an alliance.
Like the Body of Christ, the alliance is one body made up of many parts. Attorneys play different roles than church and ministry leaders. Non-profit volunteers play different roles than legislators. And business professionals play a different role than grassroots advocates. Each person must play his or her particular role, under one shared vision, to ensure that religious freedom thrives.

The Founding Fathers recognized that all people have inalienable rights that flow from the Creator. These rights are grounded in the unique, Judeo-Christian concept of man’s inherent dignity as a creature made in God’s image, endowed with reason, free will, and an eternal soul. The Founders understood that one of Government’s primary tasks is to preserve the freedom for each person to follow his own conscience, so they enshrined certain fundamental rights in our nation’s constitution to guarantee this freedom.

As secular forces chip away at our nation’s Judeo-Christian roots, religious freedom is increasingly threatened. Yet the First Amendment continues to reflect the Founders’ belief that “[t]he Religion...of every man must be left to the conviction and conscience of every man; and it is the right of every man to exercise [religion] as [conviction and conscience] dictate.”

Alliance Defending Freedom defends religious freedom and opposes all attempts to compel people to compromise their beliefs or retreat from civil and political life as the price for following their faith.

a) We Defend Your Most Fundamental Freedoms

Every human life is sacred, and the lifelong union of a man and woman in marriage protects life by giving children the value of a devoted mother and father. This benefits society in ways no other relationship can. At the heart of this is religious freedom which respects our natural rights as human beings. A good and thriving culture upholds religious freedom, free speech, the value of life, the natural family, and parental rights. When one of these fundamental freedoms is diminished, society declines. By defending and protecting these key areas, Alliance Defending Freedom seeks to strengthen our world and ensure your ability to freely live out your faith.

b) Defending Your Right to Freely Live out Your Faith in Six Key Areas


Religious freedom is more than allowing diverse religions to coexist and the opportunity to attend church. It’s the ability to act on the convictions of your faith. But today, people of faith are being censored and facing demands to violate their conscience. You should never be forced by the government to act in a way that is morally wrong, and Alliance Defending Freedom is fighting to ensure that you are free to live according to your faith.



Your children face an increasing level of censorship and punishment for their Christian values that you’ve worked so hard to instill. But students have more freedom to express their faith than you may realize. When a school tries to silence your child’s expression of faith, we are here to help.


Your child CAN:
  • Pray at school.

  • Talk about God in class assignments.

  • Start a religious club on campus that receives the same rights and resources as other clubs.

  • Freely share their faith with others.


As a parent, you CAN:
  • Opt your child out of curriculum that would require them to violate your family's religious beliefs.

  • Choose the best educational environment for your child, such as charter school, private school, or homeschool. 



Universities ought to encourage the sharing of ideas, but many campuses discriminate against and censor Christians.
But you have a right to be heard.


Academic freedom is the ability to learn and teach without restraint, even when doing so is unpopular. Whether you’re a professor or a student on a university campus, you have the constitutional right to express your faith in academia.


What is Freedom of Speech?

The freedom for everyone to express their beliefs through speech, writing, visual, or performing arts, or not to speak at all.

This includes what you wear, read, say, paint, perform, believe, protest, or even silently resist.


Speech Codes

What is a speech code?

  • Policies instituted by public universities to restrict speech

  • Used to punish students who speak out on issues that run contrary to the prevailing secular beliefs on campus

  • Public university speech codes have never been upheld in court


Speech Zones

What exactly is a speech zone?

  • Many public universities have speech zone policies that restrict the ability of students to speak freely on campus. These policies sometimes provide for a “free speech" zone on campus, but often that “zone” is so small or so far removed from the heart of campus that it is an ineffective area for sharing messages.

  • Public university officials often move students and student groups from a popular area on campus to a low-traffic area because they are sharing a religious or conservative message.

  • Public universities often dramatically limit free speech to certain times of the day or week and often give administrators a right to review and approve materials before they are disseminated.

  • This directly violates students’ freedom of speech.


Public Square

Your faith isn't private, and it’s more than where you worship on Sundays. It's who you are, and it influences the way you live every day of the week. 

But today, efforts are being made to remove religion's moral influence on society by censoring it from the public square. People of faith are increasingly threatened, punished, and silenced for simply living according to their beliefs.



Churches in America face legal challenges that were unimaginable even a few years ago.

Today, it is not a question of if churches will be threatened or sued for standing true to God’s Word – the question is when and where such cases will arise.

Alliance Defending Freedom wants to protect and prepare the church for the legal landscape ahead because the good of our society depends upon the ability of churches to speak freely. When the church is silent, the culture suffers.



All Americans who wear or have worn a military uniform should have the same freedoms they defend. Alliance Defending Freedom works to educate, equip, and empower service members, chaplains, and their leadership to ensure religious freedom flourishes within the military.


For many military men and women, faith is one the most important aspects of their service, whether in times of war or peace. It inspires them, drives them, and gives them hope. Unfortunately, service members are often told that certain parts of their faith are not allowed in the military. As religious freedom in the military comes under greater scrutiny and resistance, we are committed to defending those who defend the freedom of all Americans.


Military chaplains are called to provide for every service member, regardless of who they are or their faith background. When chaplains are prevented from sharing the full tenets of their faith, the spiritual support, health, and well-being of all service members suffer.


c) Marriage and Family

Marriage is about equality and diversity. It’s about joining the two equally important and diverse halves of humanity represented in men and women. And it’s about forming a lifelong bond—for the good of society and the foundation of the family.

The creative capacity of the union between a man and a woman links marriage to family. A man and a woman give themselves to one another, and from that, a child is conceived and born. This forms a family, and it’s where children first learn how to interact with others. Marriage and family, therefore, are the foundation of society. But when culture fails to respect and promote marriage, countless individuals, particularly women, children, and the underprivileged, suffer needless emotional and material hardships.



A culture interested in strengthening the future with a commitment to others.

  • In this society, marriage is defined as the lifelong union between a man and a woman, placing the needs of others, especially children, first.

  • Strong marriages produce strong families, which create a healthy, free, and stable society.


The Desires of the Individual:

A culture where individual desires trump what is best for society.

  • In this society, marriage is defined as the emotional union of two or more consenting adults, and the well-being of children and the benefit to society are an afterthought.

  • Disagreement with this view is seen as a threat—some rights, such as sexual rights, are considered more important than rights such as religious freedom.


Marriage benefits society in ways no other relationship does. That’s why government is involved and why Alliance Defending Freedom defends marriage policies that give children the opportunity to have a married mother and father. But this isn’t just about children. It’s about your future.


Almost nothing can benefit society the way marriage does. As a culture, we must firmly stand against attempts to redefine marriage—to make marriage something that it’s not. We need to work together to rebuild a healthy marriage culture where our future respects and defends its natural foundation: the family.


Marriage is being threatened, and it’s not just same-sex marriage that is altering the proper understanding of what marriage is. There are many factors that have created this problem, and the solution is creating a culture that understands and endorses the beauty of marriage.

After the wedding dress is dry-cleaned and put away, married couples face the hard reality of combining two imperfect people into a lifelong relationship. When our imperfections collide, sometimes “happily ever after” feels like an unreachable fairytale. But the stories gathered on this page capture the beauty of marriage and remind us how God uses marriage to shape our character and give us a picture of His faithful love for us.


Why should you care about who people marry? Because society is built on and shaped by marriages. Marriage improves the safety and goodwill in our communities. It protects our children. And it sustains the diversity of the sexes.


Ball and chain…Tied down…Taking the plunge…
Marriage is so much more.

Myths about marriage hurt relationships and discredit the good marriage does for our society. But the truth shows just how vital a healthy marriage culture is to a thriving society.


Focus on Families – 2007 Summary Report:

"Married people have been found to have the best mental and physical health, followed by the single (never-married) and then the previously married. Generally, the health advantage of the married has been found to persist even when controlling for age, health behaviours, material resources acquired through marriage, and other relevant socio-demographic, health behaviour and health status factors."


d) Parental Rights

Defending Parents' Rights

Parents take care of us before we can take care of ourselves.

They bring us into the world. They teach us to walk, to talk, to love. They prepare us to enter society and live as upstanding citizens.


Of all the people who share in shaping a child’s moral character and the adults they become—from teachers and coaches to spiritual mentors, extended family, and others—parents have far and away the deepest and most enduring influence. The men and women we become often reflect the men and women our parents are.

Everyone should care about how children are raised. They become our nation’s leaders, after all.

Everyone should also be able to agree that, in nearly every case, parents are best positioned to protect their children’s health and welfare.


Parents have a fundamental human right to direct the upbringing of their children

Although the law recognizes the rights of parents, parental rights are under increasing attack from public school indoctrination and state governments.


Sometimes, tragically, parents fail at providing their children’s most basic needs. When that happens, the government plays an important role. But the government should never replace parents.

Alliance Defending Freedom is working to achieve a Generational Win for parental rights. We litigate precedent-setting cases to protect parents and help to shape and defend public policy that enshrines parents’ rights as fundamental.

You can contact us here:

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